Brand mark

The basic brand mark is the most important element in SY's internal and external communication. You should not change the shape and color as you like and should clearly maintain the suggested brightness and saturation.
In addition, if digital manuscript cannot be used due to the characteristics of the applied medium, it should be applied accurately according to the proportional regulation of the grid system so that the form is not deformed.

Brand mark concept

By expressing the value of SY for eco-friendliness with green color and the shape of leaves, we aim for a high-level architectural culture where people, nature, and the environment become one.

Dry construction
The basic habit of a magpie building a house with tree branches means dry architecture that SY is pursuing. With the motif of a magpie, we embodied SY which presents a new paradigm of dry architecture.

In the image of a bird soaring, we contained the vision of the vision of SY going beyond its current position and leaping endlessly.
Exclusive color
Main Color
R13 G30 B10
R64 G108 B27
R255 G128 B0
SY Gradient
R140 G201 B25 C82 M41 Y100 K0
R46 G93 B27
Use of color according to the background

SY Dark Green

SY Deep Green

SY Orange

SY Gradient
